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Wendy Helms Somewhere over your Rainbow March 28, 2017
Happy Birthday Mom
Wendy Helms The Girls all really Miss you Mom! March 28, 2012
Happy Birthday From themCry
Wendy Helms Happy what would have been your Birthday Mom! March 28, 2012
Miss you like crazy -
Wendy Helms Mom we all Miss You Like Crazy March 9, 2012
OXOXO Sleeping Soundly <3
Wendy Helms I still miss you everyday Mom! March 7, 2012
This Friday it will be 3 years, hard to beleive.
More from Shorts
I don’t want to remember
If Maime had a meaning
I'll tell you what it'd be
if you were close to yours
like mine was close to me
My Maime was always there
to lend a shoulder and dry your tears
to comfort you in everything
and help conquer all your fears
Despite all the wrong you've done
and all the wrong you'll do
Maime would always be there
unconditionally loving you
Maime would inspire you
to follow your every dream
she would tell you "
you wont be alone"
use you're going to be a team
My Maime was always busy
although her heart was tame
she would tell everyone about you
so everyone knew your name
Maime  kept everything
from when you're young till now
and when you were the only one there
for her you'll take a bow
Without My Maime we'd all would have
been lost and our tears would not have been dried
We would not have been encouraged
to spread our wings and fly
To my Maime I say "
Thank you"
My heart will always be
With you every day, and I know
you are here with me.
The color that will never die,
The color of love,
The color of life,
The color of joy,
The color of her favorite flower,
The color that always smiled and said I love you,
The color we wore to her memorial,
The color in our hearts,
The color that will never die.
One outstanding woman
The one woman dressed in red
The loved one who had a bright smile
The one friend you could always rely on
The one sister who stood out in crowd
The one mother that really cared
The one comfort
The one grandmother who passed away
Her bright smile and her warm heart will always be missed
The one and only Mamie.
Wendy Williams Helms
Mom...We little knew that morning, God was going to call your name, in life, we loved you dearly, and in death, we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone. For part of us went with you...the day God called you home. You left us beautiful memories, your love is still our guide, and though we cannot see you, you are always at our side. Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same, but as God calls us one by one, Our Family chain will link again. We Love Mom/Maime
Valerie Young (Karen's Best Friend)
"More than anyone else in my whole life when I was with Karen, I could be completely myself. She brought out the best in me for 55 years. Karen and I experienced many firsts together." - Valerie
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